All three persons in the Trinity possess the same divine attributes equally.
Holy. God is distinct and set apart from all else. He is morally pure and devoid of evil. He cannot sin. His attitudes, thoughts, words, motives, actions, and reactions are naturally righteous. His revelations, proclamations, commandments, principles, designs, and assessments are forever true.
Infinite. God is boundless. His attributes are immeasurable. Jesus was infinite while he resided on earth, but he lived within the bounds of his humanity most of the time.
Eternal. God always was, always is, and always will be. He has no beginning or end. Time is his creation. He exists apart from it.
Jesus generally subjected himself to time constraints, but sometimes he acted outside them. His first miracle, turning water into wine, was one such occasion. He compressed into an instant the years required to produce an exceptional vintage.
Self-existent. God is neither a conception nor a creation. He exists independent of any cause. If he were a construct, his designer would be God. Jesus has been alive in bodily form since eternity past.
Self-sufficient. God is complete in every respect. He has no needs or deficiencies. He cannot improve. God is self-sustaining. He requires no outside support. His life cannot be extinguished. He is the source of all other life.
Jesus set aside his self-sufficiency during his time on earth. For example, he required parental care in his childhood. His earthly body died on the cross, but his spirit did not. He now has a resurrected version of the same body.
Omniscient. God knows everything about everything. His knowledge of the past, present, and future is complete. He knows the potential outcomes of all possibilities. He cannot learn.
Jesus set aside his omniscience upon leaving heaven. He grew intellectually during his youth, as well as physically. In other words, he learned humanly what he already knew as God.
Omnipotent. God is all-powerful. He rules every realm—seen and unseen. His power is unlimited and unwavering. It neither waxes nor wanes. Jesus exhibited this omnipotence when he performed miracles.
Omnipresent. God exists outside of time and space but is transcendently active everywhere in these realms. He does not inhabit natural things like trees, rocks, or animals, but we are always in the presence of his handiwork and help.
Jesus generally traveled within the human bounds of space and time during his earthly life, but not always. He once walked on water. And after his resurrection, he moved instantly from place to place without any restrictions.
Sovereign. God reigns supreme over everything. His plans always prevail in the end. God acts according to his will alone. He never does anything he is unwilling to do. Therefore, he cannot be manipulated or coerced.
Immutable. God cannot change who he is. He is unchangeable. He is the same person today that he was yesterday and will be tomorrow.
Wise. God knows best. His assessments and decisions are always fully informed and correct. He thinks logically and acts judiciously, with an eternal perspective. He is never mistaken.
Faithful. God is true to his word. He cannot lie. He always keeps his promises and fulfills his commitments. His allegiance is steadfast. He is utterly dependable.
Love. God cares deeply about his creation, especially us. He is profoundly warm and tenderly affectionate. His love is boundless, unfailing, and everlasting.
Good. Everything God thinks, says, and does is virtuous. He cannot commit or sponsor evil. He produces goodness in or around the lives of reborn believers from every experience, including our suffering.
Gracious. God is kind, generous, noble, and magnanimous. He is free of all resentment and vindictiveness. He is selflessly devoted to our well-being.
Just. God holds everyone accountable for their unrighteousness without bias. He will not allow himself to be mocked without recourse. He eventually avenges the unrepentant enemies who defy him, abuse his people, and misuse his name. God’s justice is always reasonable, equitable, and proportionate. His judgments are always guided by truth and fairness.
Merciful. God is compassionate, benevolent, patient, and forbearing. He blesses us more than we deserve. He postpones his justice so the defiant have time to repent of their sins. Only after they have sufficiently ignored his entreaties does he unleash his judgment.