Why Did God Create The World?

If God knew beforehand that his perfect creation would be damaged by sin and we would suffer as a result, why did he create the world?

We will have to ask God this question when we enter heaven. The best answer we have today is that he wanted to delight in knowing us and being known by us.

That God desired this kind of relationship with humanity is both baffling and wonderful from our perspective.

God was not lonely. He already had Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and his loyal angels for companionship.

God did not need to express his creativity. He had already created the heavenly realm.

God did not need admirers. The heavenly angels already worshipped him.

We know God treasures the world like a broken heirloom because he did not scrap it after Adam and Eve sinned. Instead, he took steps to preserve it.

We know God cherishes humanity above all else because he gave us a higher rank in his kingdom than the angels and unprecedented authority over the earth.

However, his specific motivations for creating the world, including us, are unknown.