Conduits of God’s Aid

In keeping with his promise of aid, God provides the resources we need to endure distress. He expects us to utilize them to the extent we can.

Here are the conduits through which God delivers his aid.

THE BIBLE. God has given us a written revelation about himself and his role in the world to help us understand our afflictions. The Bible is filled with truth, wisdom, exhortation, and encouragement for people who are suffering.

HOLY SPIRIT. God has given us a personal assistant to help us navigate our distress. The Holy Spirit guides us, teaches us, comforts us, illuminates Biblical truth, convicts us of sin, and manifests in us the attributes that constitute true contentment. The Holy Spirit also intercedes with God on our behalf when we are unable to pray.

PRAYER. God keeps his communication line open around the clock so we can stay in constant contact with him. He bestows peace when we refrain from worry, but instead pray with thanksgiving about all our concerns. Sometimes God speaks directly to our minds to guide and direct us.

PERSONAL CAPABILITIES. God gave us the intelligence, judgment, and skills to analyze our situation, define an effective outcome, gather the available resources, and pursue a solution.

OTHER PEOPLE. God designed us with an innate empathy that compels us to help each other. This natural compassion motivates many people to provide support services for hurting people that God intends us to utilize.

PHYSICAL RESILIENCE. God gave us natural healing abilities. He motivates people to develop health-related products and services that augment and amplify these capabilities. God expects us to take advantage of these resources.

NATURE. God uses nature to remind us of his presence, power, intelligence, and creativity. Our observations of the natural world, at both the macro and micro levels, bolster our faith in him.

DIVINE PROVIDENCE AND MIRACLES. God sometimes produces marvelous solutions to complex problems through miracles or divine providence. He chooses the time and place for these interventions.

ANGELS. God sometimes dispatches his angels to deliver extra assistance. He sovereignly selects the occasions for this aid.