Transactional Entitlement

We will be disappointed with God if we view our relationship with him in transactional terms.

We renounced our worldly ways and became a reborn believer. We live more righteously than most. Our theology is doctrinally sound. We tithe regularly.

Therefore, God should reward us with personal success, safety, and satisfaction. At the very least, he should minimize our suffering.

This sense of entitlement is unjustified.

Through the death of Jesus, God paid the ultimate price so we could enjoy eternity with him in heaven. We appropriate this benefit by confessing our sinfulness to him and asking Jesus to be our personal Savior.

Expecting God to make life easy because we accepted his gift of salvation and, by his grace, live somewhat righteously evidences a selfish perspective that emanates from an incorrect view of him and ourselves.

God’s Favor

God’s favor toward us is not a matter of negotiation or persuasion.

We cannot bargain with him because we have nothing of commensurate value to exchange for his blessings.

We cannot coax him with a promise of obedience because he knows that we are thoroughly unrighteous.

We cannot entice him with a service commitment because his ability to advance the Gospel is not contingent on our ministry.

God blesses us according to his plans for us, not our plans for him.

His top priority is for us to be reborn spiritually. After that, he intends us to experience true contentment and minister to others on his behalf.

He bestows on us the blend of blessings that will advance these purposes in our lives and in the lives of those within our orbit as we walk in harmony with him.